✉ studiomamone_a@libero.it
✉ mamone.maria@libero.it
☎ +39 0586 897296

Maria Mamone was born in 1970 in Livorno where she attended the local strict and
rigorous Grammar School “Niccolini e Guerrazzi”.
She attended the University of Pisa where she graduated in Jurisprudence.
She obtained her qualification as a lawyer at the Court of Florence.
Now she is registered at the public Register of Lawyers and Solicitors in Livorno.

She takes care of Civil Law and Family Law.
For some years she has been a member of “ Osservatorio sul Diritto di famiglia”.
She is registered in the Register for counsel for defence at State’s expense.

UFFICIO: Scali del pesce, 33, 57123 Livorno (LI)

EMAIL: mamone.maria@libero.it

PEC: mariamamone@pec.ordineavvocatilivorno.it

TELEFONO: +39 329 218 5844