✉ studiomamone_a@libero.it
✉ mamone.maria@libero.it
☎ +39 0586 897296

Antonio Mamone was born in 1962 in Livorno.
He attended Grammar School at the Military School “ Nunzialtella”, ancient and prestigious Institution of Neaples.
He graduated in Jurisprudence at the University of Pisa and he had his professional qualification as a lawyer at the Court of Florence. He attended the course of preparation for legal professions directed by Prof. Antonio Catricalà at the CEIDA in Rome
Now he is registered in the public Register of Lawyers ed Solicitors of Livorno.
He attended the IV biennal course of high formation in criminal law at the UCPI (Unione Camere penali italiane) of Rome.
Then he attended a course introductory to patronage in front of the high Court of cassation at the Superior School for legal professions of Rome.
Since 19 September 2023 he has held the professional title of lawyer specializing in criminal law. This qualification was recognized by the CNF (Consiglio Nazionale Forense) at the end of a two-year preparation course and following a written and oral exam.
Now he is registered in the public Register for Lawyers qualified to defend before High Court (Corte di cassazione)
He is registered in the Register for counsel for defence at State’s expense.
OFFICE: Scali del pesce, 33, 57123 Livorno (LI)
EMAIL: studiomamone_a@libero.it
PEC (Legal Email): antoniomamone@pec.ordineavvocatilivorno.it
PHONE: +39 360 333 093